Jim Morrison

Friday Namecheck #1 – Jim Morrison

Those of you who’ve been using Twitter for a while will have seen the #FF or #FollowFriday links flying around on Fridays (naturally). The biggest problem with #FF, and probably the reason it isn’t seen so much any more, is that there was usually no ‘qualifying’ message from the tweeter about why certain people should be followed.  So in an attempt to address that – purely from a personal perspective – I’m starting the Friday Namecheck on Postmodem. #FNCK

Every week starting from today I’ll be name checking one person and giving a few reasons why I follow them and why they may be worth following yourself.

So, my first #FNCK goes to @jimbomorrison.

According to my Vizify Bio (Link removed as Vizify is alas no more), Jim was my ‘Golden Follower’ for 2012:

Vizify Golden Follower 2012 Jim Morrison

Although he doesn’t know it (yet) Jim was partly responsible for me restarting the Postmodem Blog, as his Rumsfeld’s Law Blog gave me an awful lot of food for thought and inspired me to try my hand at writing – it’s definitely well worth a read.

Jim is also the mastermind behind twiDAQ, a fun trading game based around Twitter. Those who remember the BBC’s Celebdaq back in the day will understand the concept. Jim and his amazing team are currently working very hard on V3 of twiDAQ (I’ve been lucky enough to have had a quick play with the Beta version) and hopefully it will be released to all soon.  I’ll be sure to post back when it’s fully up and running.

Maybe one day I’ll get to meet him in person (Beer should be involved – naturally).

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